
Best Picture

1 [力挽狂瀾] The Wrestler 

2 [血色入侵] Let The Right One In
3 [天水圍的日與夜] The Way We Are
4 [真愛旅程] Revolutionary Road
5 [聽媽媽的話] I Killed My Mother

Best Director

1 Darren Aronofsky~[The Wrestler] 

2 許鞍華~[天水圍的日與夜]
3 Tomas Alfredson~[Let The Right One In]
4 Sam Mendes~[Revolutionary Road]
5 Xavier Dolan~[I Killed My Mother]

Best Actor

1 Richard Jenkins~[幸福來訪時] The Visitor 
2 張涵予~[集結號] Assembly 
3 葛優~[非誠勿擾] If You Are The One
4 松山研一~[重金搖滾雙面人] Detroit Metal City

5  Mickey Rourke~[The Wrestler]

Best Actress

1 周迅~[李米的猜想] The Equation of Love and Death
2 Kristin Scott Thomas~[我一直深愛著你]  I've Loved You So Long

3 Anne Hathaway~[瑞秋要出嫁] Rachel Getting Married

4 Kate Winslet~[Revolutionary Road]
5 Anne Dorval~[I Killed My Mother]

Best Supporting Actor

1 Bill Irwin~[Rachel Getting Married]
2 張涵予~[風聲] The Message

3 Philip Seymour Hoffman~[誘惑] Doubt 

4 Michael Shannon~[Revolutionary Road]
5 Jérémie Renier~[明天的黎明] Tomorrow at Dawn

Best Supporting Actress

1 Rosemarie DeWitt~[Rachel Getting Married]
2  Marisa Tomei~[The Wrestler]
3 樹木希林~[橫山家之味] Still Walking

4 Elsa Zylberstein~[I've Loved You So Long]

5 李冰冰~[風聲]

Most Promising Actor/Actress

1 Amanda Seyfried~[媽媽咪呀] Mamma Mia!
2 張榕容~[渺渺] Miao Miao 
3 Kåre Hedebrant~[Let The Right One In]

4 Xavier Dolan~[I Killed My Mother]

5 Lina Leandersson~[Let The Right One In]

Best Score

1 [集結號] 

2 [文雀] Sparrow 

3 [Still Walking]
4 [Doubt]
5 [貧民百萬富翁] Slumdog Millionaire

Best Song

1 [The Wrestler]~"The Wrestler" Performed by Bruce Springsteen

2 [李米的猜想]~"窗外" Performed by 周迅
3 [曼哈頓奇緣]Enchanted~"So Close" Performed by Jon McLaughlin 
4 [Slumdog Millionaire]~"Jai Ho" Performed by Sukhwinder Singh, Tanvi Shah and Vijay Prakash
5 [Mamma Mia!]~"The Winner Takes It All" Performed by Meryl Streep

Best Screenplay

1 [Rachel Getting Married]
2 [The Wrestler]
3 [I Killed My Mother]
4 [Revolutionary Road]

5 [Let The Right One In]

Best Sound

1 [集結號] 

2 [班傑明的奇幻旅程] The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 

3 [風聲] 
4 [Enchanted]
5 [赤壁:決戰天下] Red Cliff II

Best Visual Effects

1 [集結號] 

2 [The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]

3 [Enchanted]
4 [赤壁:決戰天下]
5 [我的機器人女友] Cyborg She

 Best Costume Design

1 [The Curious Case of Benjamin Button] 

2 [浮華一世情]The Duchess

3 [Revolutionary Road] 
4 [風聲]
5 [赤壁:決戰天下]

Best Make-Up

1 [The Duchess]
2 [Mamma Mia!]
3 [風聲] 
4 [Enchanted ]

5 [The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]

Best Cinematography

1 [文雀] 

2 [Let The Right One In] 

3 [Slumdog Millionaire]
4 [The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]
5 [Revolutionary Road]

Best Editing

1 [Slumdog Millionaire] 

2 [The Curious Case of Benjamin Button] 

3 [The Wrestler] 
4 [風聲]
5 [I Killed My Mother]

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